Main Office: 312-896-2090
Helping Agribusiness to Manage Market Risk

About Us

Helping Agribusiness to Manage Market Risk

The Gulke Group is a research and information analysis firm providing marketing strategies for agribusiness. Whether it is marketing production, purchasing inputs for value added, or making financial and management decisions, the Gulke Group can help define trends and recommend strategies.

The Gulke Group had its beginnings first as a sole proprietorship over fourteen years ago under the direction of Jerry Gulke at the urging of a few producers who merely wanted to know what Jerry was doing marketing wise—why he was taking action and how he was implementing various strategies. From that handful of initial clients, the Gulke Group was formed to include producers from all aspects of agriculture, including grains, livestock, and cotton.




The main focus of the Gulke Group is to manage the risk associated with producing crops or raising livestock. The objective is to enhance the financial aspects of production agriculture through strategic recommendations involving hedging and timely cash sales and to educate clients on the workings of the “price discovery” mechanism used to determine commodity prices. By helping them be better informed, Jerry helps clients overcome the psychological uncertainty of their individual outlooks. The realization that we have the tools and expertise to successfully handle anything that the marketplace or the government sends our way results in the emotional assurance that makes farming what it should be—a satisfying and rewarding occupation and lifestyle.

Client Interaction

Though the Gulke Group relationship with clients is not one-on-one, clients are encouraged to fax or e-mail comments so that they may then be addressed in subsequent morning comments, or if need be, in a personal reply. One additional benefit of being in the Gulke Group client family is the association with like-minded producers who represent the top end of managers and producers. Periodic client conferences offer the opportunity for personal interaction and support.

Just send us your questions and we will give you the help you need.

Jerry's focus is to inform, educate, and aid producers and end-users in the area of "risk management" using futures, options, cash contracts, and technical timing as well as to develop a sound focus on the market forces that influence the agriculture price discovery system.

Gerald (Jerry) Gulke was born and raised on a grains & livestock farm near Ellendale, ND. After receiving his degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from North Dakota State University, he became employed with Sundstrand Corporation, an engineering company in Rockford, Illinois. It was while employed that Jerry started farming part-time and went on to receive a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, IL. It was also while employed at Sundstrand that Jerry put into practical use the business skill in financial analysis, project management, marketing and contract administration. He soon realized that he could better serve his long term goals by putting to use his skills and knowledge by being self-employed.

In 1975 Jerry began farming full-time in Northern Illinois, and is still currently actively involved in the corn/soybean production. He is also involved in the overall management of the original farm near Ellendale, North Dakota which he has expanded in 2006 by purchasing an additional 400 ac bringing the total to over 2,000 ac.

It was Jerry’s common-sense ability to manage his farm, and market his production successfully in some of the most troubling times in agriculture that received attention from the media, leading ultimately to contributing editor of Top Producer Magazine writing the monthly Market Strategy column, reaching over 250,000 subscribers. It is his monthly column in Top Producer which gained respect and attention among producers that lead him to the field of consulting, and the formation of the Gulke Group, Inc .

Jerry’s outlook stems from belief that we are living in the most exiting time in history filled with opportunities, and that through education, perseverance, commitment, accountability and flexibility, the financial & psychological rewards offered through production agriculture can be outstanding

In addition to his monthly Top Producer Marketing Strategy column, he also does a weekly radio show on

Jerry also writes a weekend editorial column on DTN (a data information service reaching over 80,000 producers), and presents market outlook seminars throughout the US. He also sat on an advisory board that managed nearly a billion dollars of investment capital of a large health system organization.

His view is that producers should be afforded the opportunity from the market place to capture profitable opportunities that will allow them a standard of living comparable to other non-Ag professions. Jerry has accomplished that task in his own personal life, and is dedicated helping others who seek likewise goals.

Jerry Gulke